Why American Airlines Sees Now as a Time for New Growth

Image: American Airlines keeps growing. (Photo Credit: American Airlines)
Image: American Airlines keeps growing. (Photo Credit: American Airlines)

This isn’t a great time to be involved in the aviation business.

Fuel prices keep going up, there is a pilot shortage, there is an air traffic controller shortage and the demand from the traveling public is overwhelming.

So it begs the question of why American Airlines continues to grow when others are cutting back—the airline has added more than 50 new routes this year. Or, in what can sometimes be an incestuous business, why does American zig when everybody else zags?

Because in looking to the future of its business, American sees a growth opportunity now.

This year, the airline has launched or announced more than 50 new routes. With service to more than 350 destinations around the world, American continues to build a comprehensive network.

Whether you run a lemonade stand or a multi-billion dollar business like an airline, the old saying is true: In order to make money, you have to spend money. With all of these new routes, American is investing in its future.

And the future looks bright.

The demand is going to be there. Frankly, we took travel for granted. A flight was always going to be there, a cruise ship was just a phone call away and even driving somewhere didn’t seem so cost prohibitive.

Then came the pandemic.

Suddenly we had a combination of having things taken away from us and wanting to spend more time with family. That little vacation to the Jersey Shore was an albatross. But now the demand for travel is insatiable and not just an afterthought.

Why else would American Airlines add so many routes? This isn’t about going from New York to Miami, or Chicago to Orlando. Those routes are readily available and will always be available. No, this is about going from Normal, Illinois to Immokalee, Florida. American might not fly directly into those cities, but they sure are making it a lot easier to get to.

And that’s the whole point of investing in the future now by adding all of these routes. For instance, was Nike a household brand name when founded in 1964? Of course not, but it quickly became top of mind.

As a legacy carrier closing in on 100 years of doing business, American Airlines certainly doesn’t need any help in the publicity department.

But when you talk about getting from a place like Normal to Immokalee, American Airlines is making the investment now so it’s top of your mind in the future.

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