The Benefits of Experiencing Antarctica on a Small-Ship Expedition

Antarctic Expeditions

With a maximum of 132 passengers per voyage, Aurora’s Antarctic expeditions are full of adventure and their small numbers ensure everyone can get off the ship for every single excursion, often twice a day.

Experienced Guides

Aurora’s experienced guides expertly drive Zodiacs for small group exploration and to support regular landings, perfect opportunities for wildlife viewing and exploration.

Opportunity of a Lifetime

An Antarctic expedition is an opportunity of a lifetime for photographers and wildlife lovers, and Aurora’s purpose-built ships offer excellent observation platforms with plenty of open deck space.

Love of Expeditions

Everyone comes away from their Antarctic expedition with a newfound love of ice – the shapes, colors and sounds are a unique sight to behold.

Below the Ice

Don a drysuit and take a look below the icy surface with an amazing small-group snorkeling experience in Antarctica.

Antarctic Camping

Venture out into the snow and ice for a one-night camping experience in Antarctica.

Small-Group Paddling

Grab a paddle and join Aurora’s small-group paddling program, which offers a full schedule of kayaking excursions along with opportunities to join every landing.

Snowsports Programs

You can get deep into the adventures of Antarctica by joining one of the small-group snowsports programs offered during early season expeditions, October – December.

Citizen Science

Citizen Science programs are one way that passengers can support scientific data collection while learning more about the regions they’re visiting.

Make New Friends

Aurora’s small number of passengers means it’s easy to meet everyone on board, find new friends while experiencing great destinations and create memories that last a lifetime.

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Aurora Expeditions takes guests to the heart of the continent while providing and fun, friendly, intimate experience with nature and Antarctica's wild surroundings. Click here to learn more about expedition cruising with Aurora Expeditions.

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